uplifting our community by DEVELOPing affordable housing


what we do

Development Services helps non-profit organizations and housing authorities develop affordable housing and supportive service centers for their local communities. Projects typically use both public and private funding sources and involve complex multi-source financial structuring.
We Develop Projects For:
We Offer:
To get started, please contact John Chatburn: johnc@communityframeworks.org, (509) 890-1204.

featured projects

Projects include multi-family rental housing, emergency shelters, housing with supportive services for seniors and people with disabilities, and social service centers, as well as preservation of existing federally subsidized housing that is at risk of conversion to market rate housing.


Clients include community groups, supportive service providers, faith-based organizations, housing authorities and other housing non-profits.

I call Community Frameworks the ‘brains behind the operation.’ Each step of the way, they have held my hand when I was frustrated, clarified things when the language was confusing, addressed issues as they have emerged and have been a trusted consultant for nearly two years now. Transitions could not have been as successful with the Home Yard Cottages if we had not had Community Frameworks as
our partner.

Edie A. Rice-Sauer

Executive Director, Transitions

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Spokane Office:

907 W. Riverside Ave Spokane, WA 99201

p: (509) 484-6733

f: (509) 483-0345

Bremerton Office:

500 Pacific Avenue, Suite 360 Bremerton, WA 98337

p: (360) 377-7738

f: (360) 377-7740

© 2023 Community Frameworks
All Rights Reserved
*Photography by Marshall Peterson, Barry Coon, Community Frameworks staff and others